Established in 1962, by the Late Mr. S. N. Gupta, an acclaimed banking lawyer, jurist and writer, SNG & Partners (“SNG”) is a second- generation full-service law Firm which has acquired an enviable reputation for sophisticated legal work pan India.

Fast growing with more than 150 lawyers at present across its offices in Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru (Bangalore), SNG assumes a pivotal role in facilitating India’s active engagement in the global legal arena. Following the principle of Kaizen, leveraging its deep understanding of business dynamics and with a solutions-driven approach, SNG emerges as the preferred partner for delivering legal and strategic support to a diverse range of entities including banks, financial institutions, investment banks, private equity firms, real estate developers, multinational corporations, private corporate entities, Government of India, State Governments and Public Sector Undertakings. With robust global relationships encompassing both, overseas clients and law firms, SNG possesses the capability of providing end to end handholding and strategic legal advisory for clients wanting to set up business in India or abroad. A relationship based Firm, recognizing the concerns of clients, SNG has garnered a reputation of unwavering integrity, for delivering exceptional quality, swift turnaround with a solution based approach to complex legal problems and an equitable and transparent fee structure.

The expertise of the Firm extends to various fields of law covering Banking & Finance, Capital Markets, Dispute Resolution, Real Estate, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), Fintech, Infrastructure, Employment and Human Resources, Mergers & Acquisitions, Private Client Practice and Intellectual Property. SNG and its lawyers are considered amongst the best in India and are repeatedly recognized by leading domestic and international law firm rating journals and companies. Members of the Firm also sit on the Board of many companies.


As part of its global expansion and commitment to furthering the Indo-Japan bilateral relations, the Firm has established a dedicated ‘Japan Desk’ at its offices along with an eminent Board of Advisors. The Japan Desk provides specialized consultancy, advisory and legal services to the Firm’s Japanese clientele, Japanese companies wanting to invest and do business in India as well as Indian companies wanting to invest and do business in Japan. The expertise of the Japan Desk includes an eminent and growing Board of Advisors, legal and domain experts as well as interpreters. With the Firm’s vast knowledge of doing business in India, SNG aims to be the single point advisory and legal representation firm for not only the sogo soshas and other established Japanese companies in India but also for the micro, small and medium Japanese enterprises who are looking towards India and vice versa for Indian companies looking towards Japan, in order to assist and advise businesses in joint venture/ collaboration opportunities and setting up businesses in India and Japan. The Japan Desk will also endeavor to work closely with organizations like Embassy of Japan in India, Embassy of India in Japan, JETRO, JCCII, JICA, amongst others in promoting bilateral relations between India and Japan.

The Firm’s Partner Mr. Ashish Kumar, acts as Head of the Japan Desk. He is also a Young Leader at the Science & Technology in Society Forum (STS Forum), Japan, and sits on the Board of Advisors for India of Sub-Hirohama Corporation, Japan. Mr. Kumar is ably assisted by the Firm’s Board of Advisors for Japan SNG’s able team of lawyers including those who speak Japanese, policy and domain experts and interpreters.

The Board of Advisors for Japan at present comprise of Mr. Kenji Hiramatsu, Former Ambassador of Japan to India, who acts as Senior Advisor on the Board. Mr. Naoyoshi Noguchi, the Executive Managing Director of the Institute for International Trade and Investment (ITI), Japan and former Executive Vice President of Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO); Mr. Kojiro Honda, a renowned entrepreneur and founder of several companies in Japan, India, Sri Lanka and Nepal; Mr. Yoshio Watanabe an experienced banker formerly associated with ANZ Grindlays Bank and then IHI Infrastructure Systems Ltd; and Mr. Sanjay Kothari, a qualified Chartered Accountant, Cost Accountant and Company Secretary who has been associated with well-known corporate houses, been on the board of well-known companies and heads the family office of a well-known UHNI in India; are the four other prominent members of the Board of Advisors for Japan.

The Japan Desk can be contacted through Mr. Ashish Kumar on the following contact details,


More information about the Firm can be found at:

Former Ambassador of Japan to India

Internship & Articleship

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